Gismondi 1754: a record 2020
![Gismondi 1754: a record 2020](/media/zoo/images/1200x800_gismondi_b75556ac3907d1d81335c61af5ea404e.jpg)
Those who follow Borsa Italiana’s AIM Italia listings know that, since December 2019, the abbreviation GIS “on the market” is synonymous with Made in Italy high-end jewelry: in other words, Gismondi 1754.
An intense year for the historical Genovese company which, for seven generations, has been renowned for the enormous personality of its creations and is closing this 2020 with a trend that is far more than positive, recording higher operating revenues in mid-December than those of the previous year. The effects of a corporate “recovery plan” that has brought results and which, despite the international situation caused by the pandemic, has neither undergone changes in program nor downturns. Quite the opposite. To be more precise, from the beginning of December, wholesale dealers in Italy have reported sales of Euro 155,000, added to which are a further Euro 51,000 registered in the Middle Eastern market as well as important orders for one-of-a-kind pieces.
Going eastwards, the trend is no different: in the first half of December, the Prague franchising registered sales to the value of Euro 71,200, while in countries in the Commonwealth of Independent States (Armenia, Azerbaijan, Belarus, Ukraine, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Moldova, Tajikistan, Uzbekistan, Turkmenistan), the brand’s presence has continued to expand. Strategic moves that have brought 2020 revenues to Euro 6 million, improving the 2019 performance that had already stood at the impressive amount of 5.75 million.
Lorenza Scalisi, Senior Editor VO+