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Thursday, 27 August 2020

Evanueva: bewitching plays of light

Evanueva: bewitching plays of light

A company that for 18 years has brought the proposal of a different and innovative accessory to the world of jewelry, in step with fashion and the needs of women and using traditional materials. They are collections that represent the modern evolution of the concept of classic jewelery, with an ethnic or eccentric taste, chic and in harmony with fashion.

Handcrafted production and great visual impact with dimensions designed to make the most of the expressive capabilities of materials and stones. The collections that will be presented at VOICE 2020 are born under the sign of light, colors and reflections, including unique stones such as coral, lapis lazuli and pearls combined to give life to splendid jewels, with particular attention to a new line of earrings.

A collection that focuses on the originality of the elements and the brightness that the stones in the interweaving of reflections and with the play of light.

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