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Wednesday, 31 July 2019

100 years of Coscia

100 years of Coscia

A century of success celebrated at Vicenzaoro, September 2019. On 8th September Coscia will celebrate its 100th year of existence. The company, world leader in the sector of pearls and one of the prestigious crafters of cameos and corals at an international level, is one of few Italian companies to achieve such longevity.

Founded in 1919 in Torre del Greco, Coscia will celebrate its 100th birthday at Villa Bonin Club & Restaurant, Vicenza, on occasion of Vicenzaoro and the evening will be enriched by events including the award ceremony of EID - European Institute of Design students who participated in the competition "Coscia - Our first 100 years, between tradition and innovation", with the creation of two projects, one for the iconic range and the other for the "LELUNE" glamour line. 

In commemoration of its decade-long partnership with Japan, a few representatives of the Japan Pearl Exporters Association will also be present, one of the biggest organisers of pearl producers and exporters in the world.

Lastly, visitors to the Coscia stand will have the chance to admire the highly select exhibition of jewellery with extremely rare and noble CONCH pearls.

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